AM in CO

Discussion in 'Trips & Events' started by A.M, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. A.M

    A.M Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Thought I'd go to AR this weekend, but with rain forecasted for much of a day I looked to see where else I could go.

    Northwest Kansas looked great! I had never seen Monument Rocks or Castle Rock so I headed there.

    On the way I saw many birds of prey, hills in Kansas, and these cool nests lining the underside of I-70 when I stopped for gas.

    One lady said she was shocked to hear such a sweet small voice come out of a motorcyclist dressed in all black. She asked if I was okay or homeless and if I needed money. I told her thanks, but I was out by choice and set up to find camp later. People always amaze me more than disappoint.

    After the gas stop, I made my way to the rocks...which was sad. Never before had I wished I was in an ADV so much.

    Well, so much for that. It would have been about two hours total in dirt and rocks to see both risky riding. A local came to see if I needed help and he talked me out of doing it on my moto. Said it would be dangerous.

    So what the heck...I headed into Colorado!

    Who can say they can ride to CO in the winter...when this interstate gets closed so often at Goodland?! So I had to photograph the non-flasing sign. Haha

    I freaked when I saw the mountains! Could that be Pike's Peak?! It sure was!! I'm sooo happy I came here...

    I made it to Garden of the Gods with time to ride around the park a few times, look around, climb rocks, and catch the sun set behind Pike's Peak. Simply breathtaking!![​IMG]

    A few things I noted:

    Riding closer to Colorado Springs sunk muh heart. Soooo much development at the foot of the mountains. Made me realize how much I love the wide open mountains that are basically in national and provincial parks like Jasper.

    The Garden of the Gods park is super nice, free, open all the time, and fun to ride. It was very busy given it was in the 60s, but very enjoyable and clean.

    Get out and live...
    When asking a local about road conditions on the west side of Pike's Peak, she said she didn't know ... that she's lived there 25 years and never been on that side of the mountains. WUT? I don't understand. I would give anything to live in such a magnificent place with activities abounding in beautiful scenery.

    Anyways, I enjoyed the sunset. As much as I love being on my own, for the first time in a long time I wished I could have shared the evening with someone. Some things are just so beautiful, they need shared.[​IMG][​IMG]

    Long after the sunset, I left and was the last one out of the park. Venus shined bright.

    I had tried to find camping earlier in the day. Every place I called was closed until spring.

    I thought about setting up behind a church or something, but called hotels first. Found one a few blocks away from the garden for $67 bux. Super nice and doable season favored me. I can't hardly stomach paying for a room just for me, but did it.[​IMG]

    I walked to dinner, tucked in muh moto with a hug and a sigh having to leave outside uncovered. Then passed out.[​IMG]

    Happy and full of the joys of 538 miles.[​IMG][​IMG]

    Moto turned 30 in Kansas and will turn 31 there on the return.

    I woke at 5 am ready to catch the sunrise. I made it to the park before first light. I was the only one there so I rode the park loop a few times. Very fun, but nothing crazy. Cold pavement, tires, and wildlife. So just had a leisurely ride.

    I climbed the rocks again and settled in to hear the animals wake up as the sun lit up the sky.

    There were a ton of black birds with white accents and long tails. Magpies? Maybe a Colorado native can help identify them. I took photos, but none good. This photo is of one of the birds atop the rock.

    Mourning doves were sounding beautiful. Deer. Rabbits. Nothing like being part of the natural world waking up! Again, I was the only one there. Stayed a couple hours until about 8.[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    A few people started to enter the park for jogs. I imagine it was full layer in the day since it was going to be in the 60s again. But I had to leave.

    I loaded up to head for Cañon City to see the Royal Gorge. I took the back way to the Gorge on a byway. I wanted to go up Pike's Peak soooo bad, as it was open to the summit. How could anyone not summit in February?! But I rode on past the entrance. Saving this for May and hopefully with a friend to share it with.

    I stopped for gas and to do pee pee dance while waiting in potty line. I spoke with a local about back road conditions. He told me some colorful stories about his riding days and informed me to be careful...sand and rocks but that I'd be okay. It's refreshing to hear that instead of the usual "I wouldn't do it."

    So off I went. And oh was it worth taking the long way!!

    That poor woman...not knowing what's on the other side of the peaks! Such a stark difference from the east side...the scene I love! A few homes and farms about. But otherwise just open and gorgeous!

    I would have loved to stop for more photos, but this way was narrow and had no safe pull offs. There were a few dirt areas, but they looked soft and unlevel so I just passed up. Take the back roads when you can. Ignore GPS when she says she found a faster route. Take your time. Get up and go places! This byway was spectacular!

    There were lots of little valleys, snow, animals, and these silly llamas...or are they alpacas? Either way, they were very interested in what I was doing.

    So the Royal Gorge was amazing!! Pay $22 and get in, rude the gondola as many times as you wish, stay as long as you want, and have fun seeing all the people afraid of going close to the edge and some not wanting to cross the bridge.

    And that bridge...WOW!!
    Used to be public could cross it in vehicles. Not now. One park personnel can. I wanted to ride moto across. When I inquired about it, a lady cited too many crazies out there ans the only way is down for the pedestrians. Understandable.

    I had lunch on the empty patio. I was the only one out there. But WTH?!! How can anyone be at a magnificent place like this on a 60+ degree day, in February no less, and eat inside?!!!! The things people miss out on when things are right under their noses...

    Oh well, more peaceful for me. The sun and wind warmed me and watching the gondolas and listening to the Arkansas River rushing below was the most amazing lunch I've had since picnic in front of Moraine Lake.

    I left a few hours later and a moto was parked near mine. I'm sure this was the same one I saw running though the gardens the day before. I never saw the rider. Would have been neat to have had rider company and make a new friend. So I just snapped a photo.

    I couldn't hang around much longer. I knew I needed to leave and have time to plan the way home to dodge storms as best I could. I wouldn't be home until after they hit so planning was a must. Took one last photo and left.[​IMG]

    I can't believe how fast I was our of the mountains. Just a few minutes east of Cañon City and I was saying goodbye...until next time.

    Colorado said goodbye with 30mph sustained winds and leaving me to pay a donation for going 70 in a 55 to cut through the winds better...speeding with safety as the purpose.[​IMG]

    No was a there were more sheriffs around the bend. He said I'd be written up before running my name. Goodbye perfect driving record. Serves me right for all the fun speeding I usually do.

    I pondered not sharing, but it was part of my adventure. A first for me. A first for moto to be ticketed. Imma right outlaw now. Should have known the trip wouldn't be over without something unappealing happened.

    Then Kansas welcomed me with even more wind and storms.

    I started piddling so I wouldn't run into the worst of it near home. I knew it would be a late night, but I didn't need any more suprises.

    Caught a beautiful sunset in Syracuse at the mostest funnierest gas station ever. Better than Kum and Go even.

    I hit dense fog and sprinkles about an hour from home. The fog was so dense I could only see a few feet in front of me. I had never ridden in dense fog at night on Viffer before. The low beams cut straight up through the fog like the light from an old projector and distinctly cut off if a bow above muh head. It was the weirdest and coolest thing to see. It was extremely unsafe to pull over so I couldn't stop to photo it.

    The semis were going crazy. All over the road, many pulled over. Animals everywhere but only one close call in the dense fog.

    I saw something white streak super fast in front of me. It caught my immediate attention. It wasn't an animal, or rain, or an extra dense latch of fog. It was some flash or streak. I thought weird... Then a few seconds later...BOOM!!!! ...a huge skunk right in my way! I gave a quick and safe swerve to avoid it. And immediately wondered what was it that warned me and made me highly alert just a few seconds earlier. I'll never know.

    I made it back home. Wet. Little cold. But high as a kite and exhausted at the same time. I regretted not buying some dope and giving it away...just so I could do another new thing. Next time...

    1185 miles of joy! Peeps...get out there and ride! Long trips aren't for everyone. I know. But there's so much life out there...if only you can go to a new place a few times a year, do it. [​IMG]

    I dont know how I can ride and ride and ride. I just know I can and I need to. I don't get tired, or frustrated, or mad, or hurting because I enjoy it so much. At times things like natural elements can be very uncomfortable, but it doesn't last forever.

    Like eating and sleeping, I need just need to. And I will continue to while my physical self can. It's hard to sit around and do nothing knowing that in a few hours or a day, I could be a state or few away seeing new things and meeting people.

    So I hope you enjoyed the write up and that you get out and make memories of your own. Okee, enough sap.

    Now you who can set me up a GoFundMe for my $169...teeheehee...ticket and an ADV? ;)
  2. CatHerder

    CatHerder New Member

    United States
    Oct 28, 2015
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    Fantastic! Thanks for great pics and narrative.
  3. Riding a 2000

    Riding a 2000 Member

    United States
    Jun 5, 2016
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    Rochester Hills, Michigan
    If I had more than two thumbs, all of them would be up.

    Great photos, thanks for sharing it all.
  4. ManxVFR

    ManxVFR New Member

    Isle of Man
    May 22, 2016
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    Isle of Man
    Great post and pics AM ! Very jealous here, to be able to just hop on the bike and do a trip like that over a weekend !
  5. James Bond

    James Bond Member

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    Mar 26, 2006
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    Beautiful pics, AM. You should make it a goal to ride to and thru Rock Mtn. Natl. Park. Ride over Trail Ride Road and you'll find it quite a trip. I've bicycled up and over it. Required "a little" effort. Don't feel bad about getting the ticket. Been to Co. many times and they like writing the damned things. First trip, they chased me while they were sitting at an on ramp "hunting" and it took them 5 miles to catch up with me, the po po guy said. The guy was cool, asking me how fast I was going. I told him, I have no idea since it was wide open (400 cu. in. Firebird at the time) trying to get through the boredom of a straight road. He just wrote me up for 70 and wasn't a jerk about it. You need to get a Suburban to carry your stuff.....; )
  6. GigemVFR

    GigemVFR New Member

    United States
    Dec 22, 2006
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    Always enjoy the pics and stories. Glad to see you are having a great time.

    You remind me of Joe Dirt....."Ya gotta keep on, keepin' on!"
  7. duccmann

    duccmann Member

    United States
    Oct 6, 2010
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  8. Lint

    Lint Member

    United States
    Aug 7, 2012
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    Simi Valley, Ca.
    Another awesome trip and a performance award to boot! Inspirational as always. My soul wants to wander, but my responsibilities say no. But, soon, R3 and then Colorado and Montana, with Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming and Idaho thrown in too! That will be a 5000 mile or so trip, so I'll squeeze in as much as possible! Lots to do between then and now, but I'll get it all done and I'll make it a stress free trip!
  9. RVFR

    RVFR Member

    United States
    Jan 10, 2006
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    Olympia Wa.
    Wow, what a trip, you and your spontaneity, not your first rodeo eh... Nice write up, do you keep a journal? this would make for a great book.
  10. jerritt

    jerritt New Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    You are an inspiration I wish I could just pick up and go however having a wife and 2 kids is a different adventure keep smilling
  11. Gator

    Gator Member

    United States
    Nov 29, 2012
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    Boynton Beach, FL
    A friend lives in the Springs, bought a dual sport and romps all over the mountains. I want to move!
  12. RllwJoe

    RllwJoe Insider

    United States
    Feb 2, 2017
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    Western Lower Peninsula, Michigan
    AM, you are one of the main reasons I joined this forum. In no way can I stop reading your posts. From cold temperatures and drive chain problems during your Christmas break, to detailed descriptions of landscapes and wildlife (a skunk? ) I can't get enough!

    Looking through my copy of GOLDEN GUIDE TO FIELD IDENTIFICATION, BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA, you may be right. Black billed magpies are probably the only bird in that area with a tail as long as the body.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
  13. A.M

    A.M Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2015
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    You can do it...hope you make it happen!!
  14. A.M

    A.M Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2015
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    I hope to do that run this summer on way back from Alaska run.

    That's a funny story about your bust! Glad he wasn't terribly salty. All these flavors in the why choose salty. Ha!

    A suburban?! Lolzzz
    I thought I did super this time around with packing. Tools in muh tank bag, tent bag, not even a change of clo! Ha
  15. A.M

    A.M Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Best motto ever!!
  16. A.M

    A.M Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2015
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    I can't wait to see your report and photos on this ride!! I'm really hoping I can make it to meet up with you guys in CO!!

    Soon you'll be able to wander more...I hope!!
  17. A.M

    A.M Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2015
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    This forum and FB and blog I need to update ate the closest thing to a journal I keep. I'd love to compile a book. I try to do more writing now so I don't forget. Boy that Canada trip was something else too. My friend just brought up how he doesn't know how I survived that oil slick. But it wad that RV that almost hit me on the muddy hill that had me more flustered after the fact than the oil. Crazy stories for sure.
  18. A.M

    A.M Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2015
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    A different adventure for sure.
    But someday soon, before you know it, kids are grown and you'll hopefully find yourself laffing in your helmet from joy because you are actually hitting the road and won't be turning around for a while...❤
  19. A.M

    A.M Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2015
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    Have room for a stowaway?!!
  20. A.M

    A.M Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2015
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    I don't know what to say except I'm humbly honored that you and others enjoy the reports.

    I love sharing the rides and hopefully my enthusiasm encourages even just one person to take a risk and be spontaneous...maybe fall in love with the journey...maybe become an addict like me so I can relish in the fact in not alone in muh craze for going and going and going.

    Amazing book you have there!! Beautiful birds with beautiful calls. Each time they call, their long tail flicks up in the air. It was very peaceful watching and listening to them wake up and meet their friends on the rocks.

    Here are a few more ride threads I've put on here...Prince Rupert is interesting but many pages. The others are fun little runs to AR and local stuff. Planning a big ride this summer. Hope you can too!!!
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