Hi all, yet another v4 addict(who can blame us) Ive recently bought myself a an rc 36 and have been smiling ever since. The most charactiristic ride ever! Ive had the nc 24,29,30,35 and now the rc36 next up rc45 lol , i wish. Brilliant site!!!!! Does anyone know where i can see a detailed step by step bodywork/suspension mod for the rc36? I am missing panels and the suspension is not up to the job and im looking at modifying the bike. Ive seen alot of streetfighter conversions and so on but nothing detailed enough. I will probably go with the honda 929 front end suspension and maby even the bodywork atherwise ill go with the 06 cbr(do i look at the 600 or 1000 for the bodywork?) Also has anyone modified the original tail section, by shaving off the indicator sections flush with the seat section, im considering doing this. Much appreciation in advance. cheers
Welcome aboard. Afraid I can't offer much advice, but sure others will be along to help soon (that is as soon as we see some pics of this alleged bike) Ride safe.