It'd helpful for someone looking to buy a used VFR to know the common problems associated with each generation. Things like cam wear and R/R failure. My suggestion is to have a sticky folder in each of the generation forums labeled "Known Issues". Problems could be listed there with just a short description. Leave it up to the reader to search the forums for more information.
How about the Linked Braking System? Overheating and the fan switch mod, Factory de-tuning, Vtec "performance". I tend to want to categorize and organize everything but sticky folders are probably too much work. Maybe just a thread in "general discussions"? Maybe a better title? Maybe someone who knows what he's talking about to start it? I'm casually shopping for a newer VFR and found this article about the 800's. It would make for a good link: "Visor Down"
Yes it would be very helpful. But it would be a massive challenge to draw up and require someone to spend many months combing though thousands of past posts to identify recurring issues rather than one off's. Are you volunteering? If you are also hoping to point to known solutions, then the task gets even more complicated - as for some things like the electrical gremlins - there seems to be no single definitive problem or fix - hence we have Rubo's diagnostic guidance on what to look for. To be honest at the moment I suspect potential VFR buyers seeking such information would simply see what Google throws up. As for producing some sort of central thread covering all the numerous models it would need all sorts of exceptions - for instance the various wiring recalls on north American 6th gen models did not apply elsewhere simply because they had different looms to meet regional lighting laws. There is also the fun task of defining what constitutes a problem? For instance "linked brakes". I recognise they are complex but generally they work exactly as intended - however some may see that as "problem" simply because they are hard for DIY maintenance and there are undoubtedly a few highly skilled riders out there (Rossi Stoner etc) who are able to brake even better without such a system. Likewise ABS - which on the VFR has gone through various iterations(enhancements) but with each seemingly performing as intended and in regions like Europe ABS is now mandatory on larger bikes. Nevertheless some might see bikes equipped with ABS as a problem? A more manageable approach would be need someone to volunteer for and take ownership of the task by creating a new thread as you suggested but simply inviting forum members to suggest links to pertinent threads as they arise. So imitating Randy's sterling performance keeping track of the "you dropped it" thread, the volunteer would need to create a generation by generation framework to organise the information into logical groups - so not just 1st gens but sub sets like 400's, 500s etc and thereafter ensure suggested links were slotted in at the relevant location. Good luck
You're right. That's exactly what a savvy consumer would do. That's how I found the VisorDown article. But if you don't know about specific issues, you're not going to search for them. There might be no need for a thread but it's kind of a shame to waist the pool of experience of actual owners here. I've run across several threads on "problems" while reading the World. I wish I'd been taking notes. The approach you describe is very close to what I first proposed. It became clear that it's muddled in details. That's why it would be easier to simply have members list the problems they've had with VRF's. If they want to contribute links to threads with solutions that's great, but it's not necessary, the prospective VFR owner could use the forum search or Google's advanced search to find relevant threads.The thread wouldn't require maintenance or oversight. It would actually be beneficial to hear opinions on things like LBS and ABS, Vtec etc. A title like "Buyer Beware" would be more inclusive of opinions. To be useful to guests, it would need to be a sticky. Put it in "General Discussions, no need for a folder in each generation forum. I'm a relative noob. I feel kind of weird suggesting an addition to the site. I've said enough.
All that and more has been covered here many times. It is up to the potential buyer/rider to do the homework not lay it off on someone else who may or may not have a clue about the bike or a shitty attitude on a given bike because of something as minor as a flat tire. One item on the Vtechs is the price of doing the valves. Big Pesos.. Some dudes will say they don't need it for thousands of miles. Others will say if ya don't do the valves your entire family and pets will die of the black plague or worse. This mostly from Honda service managers.. Some dudes are good wrenches and consider working on a bike as a matter of course. Other dudes are at the mercy of the dealers. Some shit is just that. We jump to the regulator/rectifier issue that Honda knows and has known about for over 20 years. What do they do about this serious flaw? Not a fucking thing! I take that back. They will sell you all the new one's you want to buy..