Learning old skills for a new bike and a new life

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by mayhemandchaos2010, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. mayhemandchaos2010

    mayhemandchaos2010 New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    Sunshine Coast Queensland (Gods country)
    Hi all. Two weeks ago I purchased a VFR750 at auction in Sydney as a repairable writeoff. I had gone there after researching two bikes on sale there a 02 VFR800 and the 94 VFR 750. One of these I was hoping would become my first bike for 15 years following a separation from my wife of 29 years (her idea). Some looney bought the 800 for $4350 with approx $2000 damage (parts cost only) so that was out. The 750 attracted almost no interest as all the hoons wanted frenetic inline 4's and the old farts, Harley water pumps. I ended up paying $1300 (yup) for the viffer and have already bought replacement genuine fairing parts for approx $300 from the States. Bike passed safety inspection and I have third party insurance. When registered it will owe me $2100 plus $300 freight = $2400. It has done 84K kilometers and runs like a dream. best bike I've ever ridden. Give it a Ducati badge and it would be perfect in my view. thinking about taking a remedial riding course to get my confidence back or maybe a track day whenever possible (used to race Superstreet on a CBR 600 and raced a CBX1000 a couple of times and lived to tell the tale. I've owned CBR600's (2), the CBX, two Ducatis (why did I sell them God?) a Yamaha RD400 a Honda 50 stepthru (when I was 14 which I "motorcrossed") a 250 cc Honda trailbike I found in a creek and a 125cc homemade mini bike with a Briggs and Stratton lawn mower motor. Now palnning to buy either a CBX again (just to look at the ENGINE) or a Ducati ( because while you can talk to a Honda, a Ducati will talk back).
  2. tinkerinWstuff

    tinkerinWstuff Administrator Staff Member

    United States
    Oct 5, 2009
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    Colorado Front Range
    Welcome! Thanks for sharing the story. I've wanted to revive an old CBX myself. I don't hear great things about them being all that good of a bike or motor - but they look cool as hell.
  3. betarace

    betarace New Member

    Mar 1, 2007
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    Middleburg, VA

    check out
    :: Welcome to Super Bike School ::
    at PI or EC
  4. mayhemandchaos2010

    mayhemandchaos2010 New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    Sunshine Coast Queensland (Gods country)
    There are very few non European bikes that have character. The CBX is one of them. The MOTOR is awe inspiring. EVERYONE notices it. You can't park anywhere without people stopping in their tracks and counting the headers. The motor is like a turbine, VFR power without the vibration. OK the forks are too thin for hard cornering and the brakes are cosmetic use only, but the style will never date.
    i put one around Phillip Island in 2 minutes as arank amateur and the bitch was swaying around the first corner but I tell you,people noticed!!!

    Buy one.
    You won't be sorry.

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