Just relocated back to Tucson after a 20 year absence. Looking for fun/good roads to ride. It used to be Mt Lemmon, Kitt Peak Observatory and the road out to Colossal Caves were good rides, not sure if that is still the case, looking for something not as populated with cars/bicycles. Thanks!
Been too long since I've been on the forums here :-( Sorry Doug! I'm up in Catalina, north side of Tucson, with a white 2006 VFR. Lemmon is great, unless you come across Deputy Hayes, who thinks he owns the mountain. Kitt Peak is a bit far for the short fun. I love McCain Loop out past the Desert Museum (be careful of gravel after the rains though) Another favorite run is 77 north through Mammoth, left at Winkleman/Hayden, out to Superior, then rte 60 east to Miami/Globe, then back south to Tucson. This is a good day ride and the roads are fast and sweepy, usually without much law enforcement out in the middle of nowhere, but make it legal through the small towns. Hit me up at properaz@gmail.com if you want to hook up for a ride sometime. Also check out Tucson Sport Bikes, a fun but very nice group that does the occasional run (Flagstaff in April). -Phil
Thanks, once I get my VFR fully dialed in, and properly running, I'll hit you up!!! It's still in South Carolina, and needs another 450 break-in miles put on it, as I had the engine rebuilt not too long ago. Hopefully I'll get it back here within the next few months, at least that's the plan...