makes cash donation to VFRD for "Contributor" status, promptly gets thread locked [IMG]
If you're looking for VA routes, you can't go wrong with any of the following: VA16 between Marion and Tazewell (favorite ride on the east coast)...
unfortunately, TNRabbit is no longer with us.... he passed back in 2015
How awesome would it be to set a street 500 engine in a radio flyer with a small jerrycan and just enough plumbing/wiring to get it running. When...
That shows how to set it up for riveting, for pressing on I recall doing the following: Install your O-rings and master link end plate by hand to...
If you're in a pinch, the cheapo harbor freight chain breaker can actually be used to rivet as well. I used one for a while before buying a legit...
BB is courting Moose? Awwwwwwwwww, how sweet.
Egad. There is no reason to wrench ON a filter. Always by hand, for any engine I've ever worked on. Cars, bikes, Detroit diesels. If you're...
I've got a Rick's MOSFET with 40K miles and counting. It's survived 4 coast to coast USA crossings and hasn't left me stranded once. I'd say...
makes you wonder why the police don't just post up at walmart looking for crackheads lifting primer.
Not really surprising. Those chargers are like 4000+ pounds. Probably pushing well over 4500 after they get done with the bull bar and all the...
TRY CLEANING IT FIRST. It's amazing how the first reaction is to rip everything apart. Dust and dirt can get in there....
the internet sure is a magical place... EDIT: LINT!!!! %&$*! why?! delete that post, man. delete it.
Constantly amazed how many USA drivers don't know the difference between these two: [IMG] Have a few intersections around me that use the...
You need to do the loop around Ouray and Telluride. Head over to Mesa Verde, black canyon at gunnison, then 92 north from route 50 to Hotchkiss,...
75K on the original stator here. :smokin: Wired directly to a MOSFET R/R, not plug.
Stupid questions deserve equally stupid responses. Next time say: "No, it's just a Honda. The Crotch Rocket brand has been having reliability...
All's quiet on the western front.... Is it over?
whatever it is should really be using a site like blogspot
Seeing how you haven't done anything either, I don't think you get to pose that question. FACT
Separate names with a comma.