TourMaster Luggage???

Discussion in 'Gear & Accessories' started by TX_03_VFR800, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. Spike

    Spike New Member

    Aug 26, 2006
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    Saying the best thing in CA is the weather is tough, the weather in San Diego tends to be very different than the weather in Redding. So many people think CA and think "Bay Watch" it really isn't like that all over. Just like when people think of NY, they think of NY city, but the state is much more, and indeed has some fairly rural parts that people would never imagine. Somewhere in the State of CA there is almost always some snow, year round. You go thru the mountain passes of the Sierras and there are roads that are, in some years, closed until July due to snow. I have camped in CA, over memorial day weekend, and been snowed on during the night. The state is massive and covers just a staggering array of geography. Coming from New England it was, and still is, hard to get used to just how big it is.

    If CT had the population of CA, people would be stacked up on top of each other. The whole state would have to be one BIG city.

    I don't ever remember saying I was better than the rest, or even some...

    Hey! I have a lot of family in NY, including me Mum! so tread lightly!:smile:

    We won't stop polution, but we can reduce it, we can mitigate our impact as much as possible. We can say if this propellant works as well, or nearly as well, and causes 25% of the environmental impact we don't want you to use the worse one anymore. Similar to Freon, that was banned, the world didn't go bump in the night. We still have a/c in our cars and homes.
  2. Spike

    Spike New Member

    Aug 26, 2006
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    Heavily populated area isn't what I said though, nor did I say most densely populated state; I beleive what I said was the most poplated state and I stand by that.

    Yes, of course, never meant to state or imply that most Americans do live in CA. In fact, I don't think I did. :confused:

    Civil liberty was really all we were talking about, not taxation (have you looked at overall taxes in NY, MA, or FL?), eminent domain seizures (wouldn't that usually be for the businesses that aparently can not possibly operate here anymore because business here is so tuff? and the two cases that involved eminent domain that recently went all the way to the supreme court were not CA cases, they were CT and somewhere else, I can't recall. I would say that because CA is so pro little guy, it is actually harder to evict someone in CA than in many parts of the country. CA come out in force if you want to kick grandma out of her home.), and no one mentioned police brutality (but do you really think that happens only in CA, or in amounts disproportinate to our population? There have been some fairly big cases in NY too. And really all over the country it happens. You had the ex-sheriff and several deputies in a county in I think GA a few years ago that were arrested and charged with gunning down the man who ousted the sheriff in an election. They gunned him down by shooting him in the back, in his driveway, with his wife and kids home.

    It is just the internet, but isnt' part of it's purpose to promote the free & lively exchange of ideas?
  3. Spike

    Spike New Member

    Aug 26, 2006
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    Yeah, then maybe CT, I actually don't know. I'd beleive it, but I wouldnt' bet money on it either. There are a couple other states I would beleive too. There are some pretty rural areas of CT. Heck the town I grew up in had no police force, no professional fire department, we shared a Junior High with another town, and they paid yet another town to take the high schoolers. It was a small town. Literally one traffic light, and that was where two state roads crossed.:smile: But at one time we had the record for the largest mass murder in the state's history (9 people I beleive), the largest industrial fire in recent years, and the largest drug bust. Hmmmm, maybe the no police force was a dumb idea? :biggrin:
  4. goinphaster

    goinphaster New Member

    Dec 6, 2006
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    wow- from saddle bags to CA and it's idiocy. well spike, you can have CA, and all that it entails. I can't argue worth a damn so i will stop. CA is crap, all the typing you could possibly come up with won't change a thing. oh, and it has nothing to do with spray cleaner bans. i got the new stuff- it works. it's all of the other lunacy, that you can have. cortech bags rule
  5. Spike

    Spike New Member

    Aug 26, 2006
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  6. Averwind

    Averwind New Member

    Apr 7, 2007
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    I have just bought a Tourmaster Sport Saddlebags. Does anyone have any idea on how to fit these? I am having trouble fitting the straps.

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